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Castle Pines

Health Office

The American Academy school nurse, health assistant, and health office are here to help with student health concerns during the school day. Please contact the Castle Pines front office if you have questions or concerns to share with the school nurse or health assistant pertaining to your student's health.
Health Assistant (CP): Donna Muratore (day to day operations in health room)
School Nurse (CP): Elizabeth Hinz (if additional assistance is needed)

Health Forms

This permission form must be completed by a doctor.
This form must be completed by a doctor.
This form must be completed by a doctor.
This form must be completed for any medication (prescription or non-prescription) a student will need to take during school hours.
To be completed and signed by a physician prior to participation in extracurricular American Academy sports.
General information on schedule and requirements.
Students in Casts/Braces Participation Requirements and Restrictions
If your student is in a cast or brace, please notify the front office and school nurse so that we can plan for any necessary accommodations for school activities. Please also provide a doctor's note listing any activity limitations or clearing the student for activities when your student returns to school.

Managing Illness at School

Please follow the school guidelines for keeping sick kids home! In a school setting, there is naturally a higher risk of contagion when illness is going around. To keep that risk to students and staff to a minimum, please keep your sick students home and print out these guidelines in case you do have a sick student.
Returning to school after an illness:
  • Student must be fever-free for 24 hours WITHOUT medication
  • Student must stay at home for 48 hours after LAST episode of vomiting and/or diarrhea
Parents should remind students to:
  • Wash hands frequently, especially after using the restroom and before eating
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with your elbow NOT hands
Parents should be aware of the early signs and symptoms of illness such as:
  • Decreased activity – droopy, tired appearance
  • Irritable behavior – sleepy
  • Sore throat/swollen glands
  • Runny nose/cough
  • Skin eruptions/rashes (students with undiagnosed rashes are not allowed to be in school)
  • Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fever (100º or higher is considered a fever in Douglas County Schools and student is not allowed to be at school)
Parents can help by:
  • Checking students health before they leave home.
  • Keeping students home when they have signs/symptoms of illness.
  • Making arrangements with relatives/friends to take care of sick children if unable to do so yourself.
  • Making sure your student is eating breakfast prior to coming to school.
  • Sending your student with a water bottle daily.
  • Making sure your students have appropriate outerwear for changing weather.