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Castle Pines

Middle School (6-8)

Hello and welcome to Middle School Music at AA. My name is Mr. Porter and this is my fourth year teaching music and performing arts at American Academy. I am pleased to again be taking a leading role in your music education. I will be at Castle Pines for the first trimester.


Middle School Music: Vision and Course Calendars

Similar to last year, students' time in music is intended to provide respite from the rigor of the AA STEM emphases. Our focus is more on general music and music appreciation with the express intent of fostering musically literate and responsive young people through the vehicle of string instruments. Please see below a brief course calendar for each grade.


New this year to the Middle School Music Curriculum is the guitar! American Academy has graciously enriched our program by purchasing a classroom set of guitars, picks, tuners, cases, and shelving units. We will be coalescing our skills from our ukulele studies that will contribute hugely to learning the difficult and storied instrument that is the guitar, and your students will be learning both instruments in a supportive, fun environment. 


  6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade
Week 1 Instrument Classifications Ukulele Skills Review Ukulele Skills Review
Week 2 Large Ensembles Ukulele Skills and Rhythm Intro to Guitar and Rhythm
Week 3 Western Music History Pitch: Notes + Chords Pitch: Notes + Chords
Week 4 Pitch & Rhythm Dynamics, Articulation, Tablature, and Strum Patterns Dynamics, Articulation, Tablature, and Strum Patterns
Week 5 Dynamics & Articulation Classical Music in America: Blues & Jazz Guitar: Learning Songs and Chord Progressions
Week 6 Composition Modern Music in America: Rock and Rap Rock and Country: Licks, Riffs, and Solos



Engagement 50%

Students will receive a weekly engagement grade that follows the students participation, contributions, and comportment during a week, which I assess during our group discussions, lectures, and independent work time: 20 points. 


Projects and Assignments 50%

Students will demonstrate their knowledge on one project/assignment per unit. Assignments point values may vary depending on the difficulty of the assignment: usually between 20 and 40 points