CMAS (Colorado Measures of Academic Standards) assesses 3rd-8th graders in English/language arts and math as well as 5th and 8th graders in science. CMAS results are an important component of Colorado’s accountability system, which assigns performance ratings to schools and districts. We ask that you please refrain from scheduling any appointments on these days to avoid students having to miss and makeup these tests.
Why is CMAS important:
- CMAS drives instruction in our classrooms and help place students.
- We can see how a child is performing relative to other students.
- It prepares students for standardized assessments after AA.
- CMAS is used to evaluate and rate a school. Low participation can = negative consequences.
- The results of CMAS are the backbone of the state's accountability system.
Our students are taking the CMAS assessment during the weeks of April 8-10 and 15-17, Tuesday through Thursday, and 5th/8th graders will take the Science assessments on April 15-17. Elementary students will still have Responsive Classroom time first thing in the morning, allowing students to approach the tests with a positive mindset.
The CMAS tests will be administered mid-morning, and our teachers will continue delivering math, literacy, history and science curriculum, before and after each test. Students will continue with all assignments during CMAS, but may have a lighter homework load those days.
How can I prepare my student for these assessments?
Talk with your student about the importance of putting forth their best effort on these tests—they have learned a lot this year, and now it is time to show what they know. Students will encounter other standardized tests as they progress through high school so now is a great time to practice. Also, ensure your child gets plenty of sleep and eats a good breakfast on testing days. This can make a world of difference in their performance!